Spiritual Counseling &
Live Sessions
Spiritual Counseling and Live Sessions can be done by Skype or Zoom. Please indicate by emailing me from the Contact Form how you wish to schedule your session. If you'd like your astrology included in the session, also include your birth data (Date with month written out, Time, & Place of Birth) and if you prefer Western Astrology or Vedic Astrology. Please let me know what dates and times are good for you for an appointment, and what time zone you are in. Appointments can usually be scheduled within 2-4 weeks.
Spiritual Counseling & Coaching Sessions can provide you with guidance, insights, and healing into many areas of your life, including relationships, career path, personal growth, fitness & wellness, archetypal energies, ancestral healing, and spiritual growth & transformation. In these sessions you have the option of including any combination of the following:
Your Personal Astrology, Vedic or Western Astrology
Exploration into and Understanding of your Dreams & Archetypal Energies
Tarot, Oracle, & Guidance Cards
Guided Meditation, Journaling Exercises, & Energy Healing
Sessions are hourly at a rate of $120/hour and will be recorded for you to review later.
Please click here to make your payment.